7 Reasons Why You Should Enter Industry Awards

Jun 30, 2023

Are you a mortgage broker looking for ways to elevate your business and stand out from the competition? Well... we have an exciting proposition for you. It's time to step into your next level of success and showcase your expertise in the field through entering industry awards.

In this blog post, we will give you seven compelling reason why you should seize this opportunity and make your mark in the mortgage and finance world. So, let's dive in and explore the incredible benefits of participating in these prestigious awards.

1. Benchmarking:

A benchmark is a standard from which quality or excellence is measured. Award-winning mortgage brokers establish these benchmarks within the mortgage and finance industry, setting the bar for others to aspire to. I want you to ask yourself the following:

  • Are you exceeding your benchmarks? Or just on par? 
  • Have you taken the time to understand what the benchmarks in your business are?
  • Are you excelling in areas such as settlements, conversions, re-work, lodgements, referrals or leads?

Knowing where you stand against these benchmarks is essential for your growth and success in the industry.


2. Self-motivation:

If your aim is to become a winner, learn from those who have already achieved success. Emulate their strategies, draw inspiration from their accomplishments, and devise your own winning plan. Believe in your abilities, take decisive action, and make a firm commitment to your goals. By doing so, you can transform yourself into an award-winning broker and join the ranks of industry leaders.


3. Marketing and exposure:

Participating in your industry's awards offers you a valuable opportunity to gain significant marketing and media exposure, which can yield tangible and measurable results. The accolades you receive can be leveraged in various aspects of your business marketing and promotion campaigns.

Showcase your achievements on your website, social media platforms, blogs, client newsletters, email signatures, signage and more.

Additionally, don't forget to issue media releases to local print and digital media outlets, ensuring that your success story reaches a wider audience. Harness the power of these awards to amplify your brand and attract attention from potential clients.


4. Respect and credibility

Take a moment to reflect and ask yourself. "What do potential clients perceive when they encounter your brand?". They see a broker who excels in the field, delivering top-notch service with proven, measurable results.

By earning awards, you enhance the trust and credibility place in you by clients. These accolades act as a testament to your expertise and capabilities, giving you a competitive edge and opening doors to exciting new opportunities. Embrace these possibilities with an open mind, and watch your award-winning status paves the way for growth and success in your business.


5. Stand out from the competition


Industry awards have the potential to put you in the lead and serve as a deciding factor for success. Stand out from the crowd with your accolades and achievements, surpassing the impact of paid advertising. Embrace the recognition and let your accomplishments speak for themselves.


6. Attract great talent

Being part of a winning team is a desire shared by many. It's an opportunity to attract like-minded brokers who are motivated and goal-driven. Showcase your own drive and commitment, and consider offering mentorship to inspire others. By fostering a collaborative environment, you can attract talented individuals who align with your vision and contribute to collective success.


7. Industry contribution

Celebrate and honour exemplary standards, inspiring others to pursue excellence. Take pride in your contributions and share your valuable insights, leaving behind a legacy that will be appreciated by future generations. Your willingness to share knowledge and experience will be acknowledged and appreciated by others who benefit from your guidance. 

The Mortgage & Finance Broking Industry Awards Calendar begins in March of each year with the hugely popular, State-Based, Better Business Awards: Click her to learn more.

Next up on the Awards circuit in May of each years is the peculiarly “non-finance based”, Real Estate Business Awards, with the single-only category of “Mortgage Broker of the Year” , followed by the NEW Mortgage Business Awards which launched for the first time in May of 2023. These are both National Awards and so the competition is fierce.

These Awards are then closely followed in June by the Mortgage & Finance Association (MFAA) State-based Excellence Awards. The Winners of these State Awards then go into the running for the MFAA’s National Awards, in July of the same year.

In August, the Industry all descends on Sydney for the Australian Broking Awards.

Returning in October for the coveted Women in Finance Awards and the Australian Mortgage Awards.

The Final Industry Awards Show for the Calendar Year is the Finance Broker’s Association (FBAA) Awards of Supremacy, held each year on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

Now that you're inspired to take your mortgage broking business to the new level, imagine the power of personalised guidance and coaching tailored specifically for you. 

Broker To Broker coaching offers 1:1 limited coaching opportunities to help you refine your skills, overcome challenges and maximise your potential. Don't miss out on this chance to accelerate your success. Reach out to us today and lets embark on an incredible journey together. 

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